11 Tips To Slay Your Summer Fitness Goals

Ready to take on joyful movement? Get geared up to sweat, but also prepare for the increase in energy, muscle tone, strength, and overall health. Athletes will tell you it’s addictive.

Here’s how to feel just as inspired and excited to tackle your exercise routine with vigor:

1- Create a Personal Mission

When you choose to make exercise a daily habit, it’s one that should be tailored to you. That starts with creating a personal mission statement on why you’re going to make exercise a part of your life. Write it down, make a phone note, tell a friend — whatever you need to do to make it feel official and important. Really think about why it matters that you’re taking this step and how you want to feel after doing it consistently. If you’re in my Nourish & Fuel Me program, refer to the why worksheet in the library.


2 - Put Money On It

If you’re money motivated, then this tip is for you. In an ideal world, aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise activity or 105 minutes of vigorous HIIT activity weekly. A decent combination of strength and HIIT will keep you fit, healthy, and toned. If you plan to work out three to four times each week but start skipping them with excuses, open your wallet. Consider setting aside a specific amount to donate to charity if you skip your planned workout. While it still goes for a good cause, you’ll probably start to want to keep your hard-earned money and you will improve your health if you don’t skip those workouts!


3- Make it Work For Your Lifestyle

If you wait to have the energy, time, or excitement to work out, it’s unlikely to happen. As you start reinvesting in your workout routine — or decide you’re going to go a little harder — make an ongoing standing date with yourself on certain days at specific times AND decide where these workouts are happening. Skip the all-or-nothing mindset that you’ve failed if you somehow missed every workout this week. Instead, look ahead to how you can fit it in — whether that’s waking up 15 minutes earlier or forcing yourself to take a break for lunch to get moving. Can’t miss that rerun of The Office? Then hop on the treadmill, stick in your earbuds, and multi-task. 


4 - Find Joy in Exercise  

One of the most important aspects of sticking with exercise goals is to ensure you’re having fun doing the actual exercise. If you absolutely hate running, don’t force yourself to run! Used to love dancing? Find a local dance club or group to get moving with each week. Whether you find yourself getting bored with your regular routine or can’t stand the thought of a particular exercise, make it your mission to find the most fun workout for you.


5 - Keep Track

Log your activity each time you are working out. This means every time you go out for a walk with the dog, it counts as exercise. Walking five blocks to take the bus to work? Log that, too. It all adds up — even when you aren’t necessarily thinking about it — and improves your health each time you take initiative to be active. Apps like WoofTrax and myfitnesspal can make it even more fun to track your walking workouts. 

6 - Measure Your Progress

Another key to your fitness success is measuring your progress. If you don’t know which way your ship is sailing because you’re without directions, you’re going to crash into the rocks and be disappointed when you do so. A great way to measure your progress is in inches lost, energy gained, and even pounds (as long as you don’t get caught up in obsessive weigh-ins). You can also take photos of yourself in the same clothes and take your own measurements.


7- Be Kind to Yourself

Self-compassion is sometimes hard to find in the realm of fitness. You aren’t going to feel great about yourself and working out if you keep pointing out your flaws to yourself. Instead, give yourself grace. Remember you didn’t gain weight overnight, which means it will take time to shed that same weight gain. Be your own bestie. Here is a great way to increase self-compassion Mirror Talk.


8 - Cue the Triggers

Those who are avid exercisers will tell you that “triggers” are a secret exercise success trick. These are reminders that kick you into autopilot with a specific reaction so there’s nothing to think about. For example, leaving your workout clothes on your dresser the night before and putting your sneakers by your bedside the night before will trigger your brain to get up and work out when you see them. Add a little reminder on your phone that it’s “joyful movement time — yay!” and see how it gets you motivated to go sweat.


9 - Visualize Your Finished Workout

Not feeling exercise today but still want your workout to be super productive? Envision it done. Without realizing it, our subconscious mind processes details at an alarmingly fast rate. This area of our mind is focused on feelings and visual images. It’s basically a dress rehearsal for what you want to happen and how you want to feel when it happens before it actually does. Imagine how you’ll feel when you’re done — sweaty, happy, and proud, right? Visualize giving yourself a high five in the mirror when it’s done! Then get to it.


10 - Skip Comparison

As the saying goes, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Once you start comparing your workout journey to another person’s, it often leads to an internal jealousy battle. That can lead to working out for the wrong reasons, and it also may make you forget your initial mission statement (see #1). Everyone is on their own path and does things for their own reasons. Keep your reasons for working out personal, and you’re bound to see more success.


11 - Invest In It

It’s hard to work on improving yourself if you don’t have the right tools, accountability, structure, and support. When it comes to working out, there are specific items you need to work on. It is overwhelming with information overload on the world wide web. Coach Dee makes it simple, fun, and easy to fit into your busy schedule. The CLY community is positive, uplifting, and cheering you on! Consider investing in CLY Fit Club.


Every Workout is a Move in the Right Direction

Remember, any time you move your body, it’s a step in the right direction for good health. Staying aligned with your exercise goals isn’t always easy, but if you consistently strive to do your best to break a sweat throughout the week, your health will thank you.

Most importantly, remember that moderate-intensity workouts don’t always have to take place in the gym. Raking leaves or walking a few miles for 30 minutes are quite different activities, but they both are considered moderately “intense workouts.”

Want more exercise content? Follow Coach Dee on Instagram.


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