Confidently Clean Up Your Kitchen

Are you suspecting hormone imbalance?

You're not alone.

Many women try to manipulate their hormones and cycles every month instead of balancing and regulating their systems naturally. They don't solve the real problem - the root cause of hormone imbalance.

Hidden hormone disruptors are right in your kitchen.

Keep your food clean, a wise friend once advised. Sounds like a no-brainer.

Unfortunately, it's not that easy.


You may still be exposed to 168 chemicals a day!

A recent study revealed that women use, on average 12 personal care or cosmetic products a day and that those products contain as many as 168 different chemicals.

Even though they're low doses, the cumulative effect eventually puts your body out of balance. Toxic body burden is a scary thing. The long- term implications of using these toxins can hit hard.

When teenagers were evaluated for the presence of chemicals in their bodies, 16 different hormone-altering chemicals were discovered, including phthalates and parabens!


How do we help prevent this from happening and balance our hormones?

1. Start by ditching the plastic containers.

Plastic is being banned aworldwide as it is highly toxic to human health — store food items in glass containers. Whether you store it in the pantry or the fridge, replace your plastic bottles with glass ones.

2. Switch to safe cleaning products.

Even if you wear gloves while cleaning, you still breathe cleaning chemicals in. Think about the residue on your dishes and counter too. Many of these chemicals are hormone disrupter., Here is my fave line on nontoxic cleaning products.

3. Cast iron or stainless steel.

Cast iron or stainless steel cookware might look old fashion, but it is free of EDs and is very healthy for cooking food. Ditch the non-stick cookware and go old school to eliminate this common source of endocrine disruptors.

4. Drink water in glass, ceramic, or stainless steel cups.

Plastics have got to go. Similiar to avoiding heating food in plastics, you also want to avoid drinking water that has been sitting in plastic water bottles or cups to prevent BPA exposure.I personally love Mountain Valley.

5. Eat organic.

Conventional produce and meats have exposure to pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, antibiotics, and hormones. Check out my downloadable Power Pack to help you  save money on organics... there is a way to enjoy organics without breaking the budget!

6. Clean up your beauty routine

Personal care products are loaded with hormone- disrupting chemicals. There is no one really checking personal care proucts for safety. The Cosmetics Act hasn't been updated since 1938!. Check out my downloadable list of ingredients to avoid.  Here's my go to nontoxic brand.

7. Remove plastic wraps from things before you store them in the pantry or fridge.

Place them in glass containers. When grocery shopping, a lot of items are packed within plastic cling wraps and containers. As you can see, plastics are a theme for this list. Even when purchasing foods in plastic wrap, store them in a healthier fashion one you get home.

These are some of the most basic yet essential tips that can help you reduce exposure to hormone disruptors in your kitchen. Start by making a few changes at a time and build upon them to confidently balance your hormones in harmony.

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