Unmasking Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals in Summer Products and Cosmetics

Almost two decades ago, my journey into the world of hormone-disrupting chemicals began with a shocking realization. While struggling with infertility, I stumbled upon the idea that everyday products might be affecting my health. As I began investigating the items in my own cabinets—sunscreens, makeup, skincare products, and more—I was appalled to discover the hidden dangers lurking within them. This journey of "ditch and switch" has been ongoing, and while it took years to perfect, the effort has been worth it for my family's health and well-being.

The Hidden Dangers in Everyday Products

Summer products and cosmetics often contain chemicals that can disrupt our hormones. These chemicals, known as endocrine disruptors, can interfere with the body's endocrine system, leading to a variety of health issues. Here's a closer look at some common culprits


  • Oxybenzone: A common ingredient in many sunscreens, oxybenzone can mimic estrogen and has been linked to hormone disruption and allergic reactions. Studies have shown it can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream, raising concerns about its long-term effects .

  • Octinoxate: This chemical can disrupt thyroid function and has been shown to have estrogenic effects, potentially affecting hormone balance .

Makeup and Skincare

  • Parabens: Widely used as preservatives, parabens can mimic estrogen and have been linked to breast cancer. They are found in many cosmetic products, including lotions, foundations, and lipsticks .

  • Phthalates: Commonly found in fragrances, nail polishes, and hair sprays, phthalates can interfere with the production of testosterone and have been associated with reproductive and developmental issues .

Bug Repellent

  • DEET: While effective at repelling insects, DEET can be absorbed through the skin and has been shown to affect the central nervous system in high doses .

  • Pyrethroids: Synthetic chemicals found in many bug sprays, pyrethroids can disrupt endocrine function and have been linked to neurological issues .

Chlorine in Pools

  • Chlorine: While essential for keeping pools clean, chlorine can react with organic matter to form harmful byproducts like trihalomethanes (THMs), which have been linked to hormonal disruptions and increased cancer risk .

Tips to Avoid Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

Making the switch to hormone-friendly products doesn't happen overnight. It took me years to replace my personal care items, and my routine is still evolving. Here are some tips to help you transition:

  1. Read Labels Carefully: Start by familiarizing yourself with ingredients to avoid, such as parabens, phthalates, oxybenzone, and DEET. Use this list as a reference when shopping for new products.

  2. Swap Gradually: Replace items as you run out. This approach is more manageable and cost-effective.

  3. Choose Fragrance-Free: Fragrances often contain phthalates and other hidden chemicals. Opt for fragrance-free products whenever possible.

  4. Go Natural: Look for products with natural ingredients and fewer synthetic chemicals. Certified organic products are a good choice.

  5. Use Safe Sunscreens: Choose mineral-based sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. These are less likely to be absorbed into the skin and do not disrupt hormones.

  6. Homemade Solutions: Consider making your own skincare,bug repellent and cleaning products using safe, natural ingredients.

Recommended Products

To help you get started, I've compiled a list of my favorite hormone-friendly products. These have been thoroughly researched and are free from known endocrine disruptors:

Transitioning to safer products is a journey, but every small step counts towards better health. For more tips and information, tune in to the Confidently Balance Your Hormones podcast where I discuss this topic in depth.

Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the Confidently Healthy Collective!


  1. Oxybenzone Study

  2. Octinoxate Study

  3. Parabens and Breast Cancer

  4. Phthalates and Reproductive Health

  5. DEET and CNS Effects

  6. Pyrethroids and Neurological Issues

  7. Chlorine Byproducts and Hormonal Disruptions


How Overachievers Can Avoid Adrenal Fatigue and Reclaim Their Health


Understanding Metabolic Typing®: Personalized Nutrition for Optimal Health and Balanced Hormones