Making Healthy Choices & Feeling GREAT While Traveling

Maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle can be difficult enough without throwing weekend or week-long travel into the equation. While on vacation, I 100% allow myself to indulge a little more than I might at home because it's VACATION! If we are practicing a true healthy lifestyle all the other days, we need not worry that this will set us back. I’ve learned the hard way to practice better balance so that I don’t go crazy and feel sick on my trip. Even better, I no longer have to go through the unsustainable cycle of “regretting” my food choices and restricting myself the following Monday!

Here’s a few ways I have found to help me to feel nourished and energized while out of my routine -- and still able to enjoy each and every trip I take. And I travel often!

Keep Blood Sugar Balanced

 Never Leave Home on an Empty Stomach

When traveling, convenience can be such an obstacle to overcome. At the airport, every type of snack food imaginable is within walkable distance. All it takes is one simple step inside the gas station or a quick drive-through at the closest fast food restaurant to send your blood sugar spiraling. The easiest way to overcome the convenience obstacle is to always leave your house with a full stomach AND w/ healthy snacks so that you never find yourself in a “food emergency.” This will set you up for making better choices throughout your day that make you feel good while you are both on the road or in the air. Here's a great downloadable guide I created to help you while traveling.

Prioritize Breakfast

Whether you are traveling at 6 a.m. in the morning or 6 p.m. at night, starting your day with a blood sugar balancing breakfast is a non-negotiable. Keeping that blood sugar roller coaster flat-lined will decrease cravings, maintain energy levels, and allow you to feel stable while dealing with the chaos that often comes with the hustle and bustle of traveling!

A few of my favorite breakfasts while on the go is a travel shake full of healthy fat/fiber/protein/greens and minimal fruit. Another easy option is an omelette stuffed as full as possible with veggies! And if I don’t have many options available, eggs (scrambled/fried/hard boiled, etc.) always do the trick with veggies.

Supplement to Support when Needed

Prioritizing Fat/Fiber/Protein/Greens at each meal will always be the best way to keep that blood sugar regulated. However, there are many times that I supplement to support my blood sugar if I feel I need a little extra help. Taking psyllium husk and berberine capsules before eating are two ways to help control the body’s glycemic response to a meal. Remember to always check with your doc before adding any new supplements!

Stay Hydrated - Health Hack Your Water

Lack of sleep, airplanes, sunshine and drinking will dehydrate you BIGTIME. Dehydration is often the root cause of many health problems, not to mention heat stroke, migraines and hangovers. Drinking lots of water before, during and after your trip will protect you from the affects of dehydration, help your body stay healthy and even hydrate your skin! Here's my favorite on the go electrolyte replenisher.

Most of all let go of things out of your control, stay present and take note of the moments you are enjoying so very much!

Live your best life! It's your birthright...

Coach Dee XOXO


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Middle of the Night Awakenings