Super Charge Your Metabolism Over 40

Now's a perfect time to focus on recharging your metabolism — especially if you're over 40. At this age, certain hormones begin dipping and a healthy diet alone isn't enough to keep the extra weight off. These days we're also constantly exposed to toxins, the food we buy is losing its nutrients; and we're less active than we once were. To successfully lose weight after 40, you need to understand that imbalanced hormones and chemicals have a huge impact on your health. It IS possible, however, to live a clean, healthy, and long life — with a fit body, even after 40!

The following lifestyle changes can help you reboot your system! Achieving the body, energy and joy you want IS possible…

Eat Real Food

 If you want to stay fit forever, you must eat real food that comes from nature! I like to say if it has a mother or comes from the ground-that's a good start! Choose high-quality protein such as healthy, grass-fed organic beef, organic lamb, organic chicken, wild caught fish and organic pork, organic eggs and eat them in proportion to your metabolic type. I also recommend organic fruits and veggies, so they’re free of pesticides, chemicals, and other toxins. Be sure to include omega-3 fats in your diet, like perilla oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil, and those derived from eating cold-water fish, such as wild-caught salmon and sardines. Steer clear of food additives like harmful glutenates, (including MSG) sugar, processed foods, seed oils, margarine, shortening, and refined foods. Remember: if it comes in a bag or a box, it is most likely processed and contains chemicals and preservatives. Once you start weaning yourself from these foods, the cravings will go away. Eat whole foods and feel the difference pretty quickly.


Detox On a Regular Basis

 If you’ve gained weight, especially around your midsection, it may be a sign that your liver is not functioning properly. Your liver is your vital detoxification organ, and if it becomes overloaded with toxins from the food, drink, or medications you’re consuming, you’ll have more toxins circulating throughout your body, damaging your organs and glands. Detoxing your liver will help it work more efficiently — and help you slim your waistline. Start the detoxing process by cutting down on sugar, cutting out artificial sweeteners and trans-fatty acids, re-evaluating your need for over-the-counter pain relievers, discussing healthier alternatives for prescription medications with your doctor, limiting your alcohol consumption to just two servings (preferably of red wine) just a couple of times a week, and practicing regular cleanses to irrigate the colon and clean out constipation. Here are some tips to help you detox easily on a daily basis.


Protect Yourself From Everyday Toxins

 It’s not a coincidence that the average toxic burden on Americans and the obesity rate in this country are both higher than ever. Not everyone who carries a heavy toxic load is fat. Some people’s bodies manifest the impact of toxins in other ways, such as fatigue, autoimmune diseases, allergies and food intolerances, and cancer. Reduce your toxic load by replacing chemical-based cleaning products with natural ones like distilled white vinegar, baking soda, borax, and other products from your health food store. Next, take stock of your personal care items and switch to certified toxin-free skin, body, and beauty products. Keep the air clean in your home by installing air filters and proper ventilation, and keeping indoor plants. Finally, filter your water or buy glass bottled water! Unfortunately, our tap water  and water from plastic bottles are a major source of toxic chemicals.


Discover Your Metabolic Type & Food Sensitivities

 Your body’s ability to digest nutrients and eliminate waste is crucial to good health and weight loss, but these days, food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances are wreaking havoc. The simple act of eating is causing people all sorts of uncomfortable symptoms from digestive complications to skin problems. It’s not always easy to connect a symptom to a specific food, but identifying the culprit can change the way you feel. The more allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances you have, the more your body will react, causing you discomfort and making you susceptible to various diseases — and less likely to lose weight (possibly also more likely to gain it!). The good news is that you can take a blood test to check for food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances, and then change your diet to eliminate the offending foods. Everyone benefits from knowing their metabolic type. This evaluation will tell you what types of foods fuel your body best. Imagine having a blueprint that tells you what will raise your energy, improve your sleep, increase joy, eliminate bloat and clear brain fog! This is your genetic report and will be a tool that will improve your health for the rest of your life!

Get Your ZZZZZs

 Good quality sleep is essential for a fit and healthy body. It takes seven to eight hours of sleep each night for your body to rejuvenate. Sleep also helps control your appetite, so lack of sleep can translate into weight problems. When you reach mid-life, your hormones estrogen and progesterone begin to decline. And as they do, your cortisol, insulin, thyroid, and adrenals rise. If your insulin, which is a fat-storing hormone, stays high, you’ll gain weight. This is the reason that eating a healthy diet is no longer enough to keep weight off for people who are 40 and older. So the bottom line here is: Get more sleep! Retrain yourself to go to bed by 10 p.m. and keep your bedroom dark, comfortable, and conducive to a full night’s rest. Oh and get those cell phones out of your room at night! EMF could be disrupting your sleep.

Move Your Body

 Exercise is vital to health and weight control at any age, but once you hit 30 years old, your lean muscle mass begins declining. If you don’t build it up through weight training and other exercise, you’ll start losing calorie-burning muscle and gain more weight with each year that passes. The three main components you must focus on to stay fit are: Flexibility, aerobic exercise, and strength training. For flexibility, try yoga or pilates. A ten minute walk after meals will help you lower blood sugar levels much quicker.

As you can see, many of the recommendations for how to increase your metabolism after 40 revolve around a holistically healthy lifestyle.

Paying attention to things we take for granted — like sleep and knowing which foods are right for YOU— can make a big impact on your overall health especially when compounded by other good habits.

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The best time to jumpstart your life and metabolism is now!


Learn How A Detox Will Benefit You


Signs You Have Hormone Imbalance