5 Steps to Spring Renewal

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.” -Indian Proverb

We are now over that rough patch we lovingly call “Winter” and in the long awaited spring! This means soon we are planting the seeds of today to relish in the flowers of tomorrow. What seeds will you be planting? There are the literal seeds of your flower or vegetable garden, but are you caring for the metaphorical seeds of your health?

Winter is a time for comfort, which can sometimes translate to less than healthy comfort foods and less activity in favor of a cozy blanket. It is now the time for renewal! A “spring clean” of your current healthy lifestyle plan may be just what your body is looking for to up level your energy for summer.

Here are a few great ways to clean up, renew and prepare for your healthiest summer yet.

1) Go for a walk outside. The sun is setting later, snow is melting, birds are singing; we are surrounded by beautiful sun, sights and sounds of rebirth! A walk outside can be invigorating. Breathe in the fresh spring air and listen to the sounds of nature as you set a brisk pace. A walk outside can renew your physical energy as well as your mind. Take some cleansing breaths while you are out on your walk.

2) Drink more water.
 Winter is cold and can be brutal. These conditions make it less likely to realize you are still losing water through sweat and breathing. Which means you are likely entering into spring dehydrated. Increasing your water intake will help flush out toxins to “clean up” your system, while revitalizing your energy as well.

3) Try a new class or
exercise program. Yoga, Pilates, HIIT, Spin, etc.; pick a class or program you’ve never tried! Cardio nut? Try yoga. Getting your Zen on daily? Try HIIT. Get out of your comfort zone with your exercise routine and you may find the variety rejuvenating to your body and mind.Here's an outdoor workout I recorded for you!

4) Remove sugar from your diet. Research indicates that a high sugar intake increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, even if you are not overweight, and can compromise brain, immune and metabolism function. Sugar can be tasty, but unfortunately there is no nutritive value to table sugar or the high fructose corn syrup in so many processed foods. Removing sugar from your diet will help break that cycle of cravings and give you renewed, natural energy.

5) Schedule a 3 Day Juice Cleanse. Have you wondered about a cleanse? Maybe you have hears about your friends doing one or seen an add pop up for a cleanse. Or you simply want to finally feel comfortable in a bathing suit to take advantage of that warm summer sand. When doing a cleanse you want to make sure that you are drinking 100% organic juices and doing the cleanse properly. Many people do not prepare properly, try to go it alone and bail by day 2 or break the cleanse incorrectly. If you are investing in a cleanse, be sure to get guidance and coaching. Learn more about Coach he's 3 day cleanse here. Revitalize your cells for the upcoming season.

Plant those seeds of better choices and your health will blossom.


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