Self-Care & Mindset By Sarah Haas

Most of us know nutrition and body movement are foundational for getting healthy.

It’s important to support our bodies with fresh, nourishing, nutrient-dense foods, and stay away from processed, convenience foods and sugar as much as possible.

And to move our bodies regularly with exercise and strength training to stay strong and active and maintain muscle mass as we age.

It sounds so simple, but it can be really tough, as women, to make it all happen! Especially when we’re juggling all our responsibilities - like kids, career, home, family….You know the drill.

As a 50-something, single mom, with a career in women’s wellness, I know how hard it can be to carve out time for ourselves.

And I understand the guilt that comes with it.

So many of us put everyone else’s needs first and our own health gets thrown under the bus. By the time we’ve taken care of everyone else, there’s no time or energy left over.

I learned the hard way when I was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer and had to undergo two years of treatments including chemotherapy, radiation, and three surgeries. I’m now totally cancer free and thriving!!

This journey showed me, not only how important taking care of my health is, but also that I had to start making myself a priority.

One of the biggest blocks I found within my own mindset and that I see in so many women I work with, is the fear of not being "enough." 

Deep down we feel if we don’t do XYZ, it means we’re not a good enough mom, spouse, employee, daughter, friend, etc.

And, with that mindset, we repeat the pattern of doing so much for everyone else that we end up last on the list. We never find the time for ourselves, so we end up sacrificing your own health.

How about if we flip that script?

What if, instead, we embraced the truth, that taking care of ourselves makes us better for everyone else?

If we eat well, get enough sleep, and move our bodies regularly, we’ll have more energy for everything in our lives. We’ll be more present, productive, joyful and energetic, and that’s how we’ll show up in all our relationships and roles.

Relationships flourish. 

We can slay the workday. 

We set a good example and inspire people.

Shedding the "not enough-ness" is the first step to achieving the health and vitality you deserve and have wanted for so long. 


You have done and are doing amazing things in the world. You are fierce and beautiful. 

You deserve to be a priority. You deserve time for yourself. You deserve to take care of yourself just as much as you take care of everyone else.

Believe it BECAUSE IT’S TRUE and watch what a difference this simple mindset shift can make.

Sarah Haas is a Women’s Weight Release & Body Love Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, yoga instructor, and host of the Boss Body podcast.

She draws on her education and personal experiences as a fifty-something single mom and breast cancer survivor to guide and support women in midlife and beyond to become healthy, age vibrantly, and take control of their health and their lives. 

Her holistic approach to creating overall health integrates nutrition, body movement, self-care, self-compassion, and body love, to empower her clients to step into confidence and grab the joyful life they deserve.

Written by guest blogger Sarah Haas

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