My FDN Journey

I’m sharing my story because it could resonate with you…


I had become the healthiest ‘unhealthy’ person I knew. The truth is, I had no idea that I needed solutions and I needed them yesterday! I know this sounds a little dramatic but you will understand after I tell you my story.  When you're  the healthiest person you know, in terms of diet and exercise, and then you test your systems and discover you're not so healthy. It comes as quite a shock. 

In the shortest terms possible, I'm sharing with you that I looked great on the outside. On the inside, I discovered my hormones were tanked, I wasn't breaking down protein properly. And it was rotting inside me (which explains my bloat), I was housing some opportunistic bacteria in my gut; my diet was not supporting my metabolic type; my mucosal barrier tested as damaged. So, I had quite a few healing opportunities ahead of me. 

I quickly understood how I'd landed here. I thought I was doing everything right and yet I had run my body into the ground. This is a really vulnerable post for me because I truly thought I had "healthy living" figured out. It's not my fault. It's what I studied up until this point, and, again these strategies looked great on the outside.

What strategies? Long fasting periods; Fasted HIIT workouts; Working out hard Six-6 days a week; Low carb eating; High stress lifestyle, Supplements I randomly took and was not even absorbing. Yep. I was really not as healthy as I thought.

I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to test and get this true reading of my health. This is what makes Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® -(FDN). We're not guessing or playing whack a mole. We are looking at bio individuality, getting live data, and using protocols backed by science to help you obtain optimal health for the long term health.


With my background in health and my personal experience driving my passion to help others, I completed the hardest course of my life to take my knowledge to the next level. I'm proud to say that I'm officially an FDN Practitioner.

I know this is a global issue, and I'm inspired to help my clients at a deeper level. It's truly getting under the hood and making sure all your systems are working at their best.

I hope my story gives you an understanding of how FDN can help you. Please reach out to me for the help you need and deserve. 


Test, Don’t Guess: Why Lab Testing is a MUST Before You Begin Your Healing Journey


Is It Leaky Gut?