Test, Don’t Guess: Why Lab Testing is a MUST Before You Begin Your Healing Journey

You might wonder if you can you can heal yourself using Google or your intuition, the truth is that lab testing can save you money, time and your life. If you ignore this step, you can actually make yourself sicker, like many others have unfortunately experienced.

Even Natural Healing Remedies Are Not Meant To Be A Guessing Game

I’ve always preferred natural treatments – what our body was originally known to respond to innately. Some of the most effective holistic options, in addition to shifting your mindset include:

Consider if you’re eating low-carb prepackaged “healthy” meals but notice a ton of sodium in them. You might be fine eating them, but someone with diabetes could easily get sicker from them. Similarly, you could take herbs that performed miracles for your aunt but end up being detrimental to your own health. Bio individuality matters. Scheduling a consult is crucial for figuring out your personalized needs.

Proper treatment – even with natural holistic remedies – requires lab testing first.Taking random supplements can be dangerous, costly and often unncessary.

How Your Chronic Condition Can Worsen If You Skip the Lab Testing

Looking back, my entire life has been a journey to find better health. This can be said for lots of people. For some, it’s an additional struggle to survive the journey.

I was stuck in survival mode for a long time. I’m still a work in progress, but am happy to say I’m now thriving. So have hope and learn from my mistakes!

I suffered many symptoms of chronic fatigue and toxic body burden when it wasn’t yet a thing – stubborn weight gain, waking up exhausted, brain fog and bloat. During many early years of getting my period, I threw up once a month and got dismissed from school for bad menstrual cramps. I went on to suffer unexplained infertility. When I was pregnant, I experienced high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. My skin itched from hives and I suffered with acid reflux. I even endured much pain near my kidney and liver post pregnancy.

I tried all the things I could learn online, using herbs to cure this ill and that. Not only did some of the previous symptoms come back, but I ended up with new ones. It’s no secret that Ashwaganda, Bacopa, Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng), Holy basil, Rhodiola, Schizandra berry and Licorice root offer wonderful healing qualities. Yet I wasn’t getting well. I still had no energy and the weight was stuck to me.

I finally figured out how to release weight with the help of a holistic health coach and personal trainer who specialized in hormone imbalance.

I went to school to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, another holistic, natural discipline because I am always eager to reach optimal health.. This discipline was different. It taught me to test, not guess. So, I started doing functional lab testing on myself. First, the stress and hormone test answered why I slept and still felt exhausted in the morning, crashed every afternoon and was so irritable by 7 pm. My body was not making enough cortisol at the right time.

Then when I started studying ways to correct my circadian rhythm and cortisol production, I found that adaptogens such as the herbs above lower cortisol. No wonder my cortisol was low!

When your cortisol production gets off kilter, you can experience symptoms including extreme weakness, fatigue, mental confusion, dizziness, loss of appetite, low blood sugar and low blood pressure (especially upon rising from a lying down position).

Again, I complicated my already chronic condition by taking supplements and herbs based on a pill for an ill mentality.

At that point I began researching different symptoms and found that many so-called ‘diseases’ shared many of the same symptoms. This helped me realize I could not base my treatment on a pill for an ill approach.

I also found opportunistic bacteria in my gut, low good bacteria (despite again investing in expensive probiotics), my liver was congested and not breaking down protein properly, and my gut was not in the best shape. I eat whole foods, exercise, use clean products and still had ALL these things going on. I would never had known if I did not test.

A Natural and Holistic Approach You Can Rely on For Your Road to Healing

I strongly believe you need to do all that you can to heal naturally.

  • Eat healthy, clean foods.

  • Rest when you need it.

  • Exercise at a level and in a way that is best for you at this time (chronic illness often gets exasperated by over activity).

  • Keep your stress levels low.

But…only take supplements or apply remedies after assessing your lab testing results!

Your body was fearfully and wonderfully made. You can certainly take steps to help yourself heal. First, test and don’t guess at the root cause of your symptoms. Next, give your body what it truly needs.

If you have been dealing with a unresolved health issues, want to regain your strength and energy and long to live a purposeful life again, book a consultation with me today. I would love to help you along your healing journey.


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